This course has given me lots of things to think about. As this year is coming to an end, I have been working through my first experience with conducting PD online. While in some ways it went very well, other parts weren't as successful. This course has given me tools to use as I've been reflecting on my experience to help make it better in the future.
I've also been given the task of working with other teachers next year that will be teaching blended courses for the first time. I was very excited to see some of the resources at the beginning of the course that will be helpful to them as they start this new adventure. While some of them may be very tech savvy, others will be overwhelmed with all that an online course requires. So having resources available to help them create a framework for their course will be crucial to their success.
And personally, I have really enjoyed the authentic assessment module of the course. This is something that I am very interested in and think is a very valuable asset to any classroom. So the better I can understand it, the better I will be able to assist other teachers in using it in their classrooms.